
Here you’ll find information about me, my work and the projects i’m involved in.

Business Talks

Education for Human Flourishing

Tha what?


Life never stands still

Time to evolve again…

Executive Coaching

When talking is more important than listening

What those voices tell you

Organisational Development

Team Development, Cohesion and all that stuff

What truth are you living with?

Executive Coaching

Why am I here?

How far have I still to go?

Science of Learning

Designing Learning – Don’t start with Outcomes

Begin with the melody

Science of Learning

What do they not need to know…

Building learning by subtraction (not addition)


Third Space Working

Its not home, its not the office, it’s a different vibe…

Science of Learning

How do you want learners to feel when they make a mistake?

The emotional experience of learning

Science of Learning

Dyslexia and its impact on learning and working

It’s a processing thing!

Science of Learning

What LnD can learn from the marketing world

The fear of flawless learning no one attends

Science of Learning

ADHD and me (my understanding of it)

“it’s life Jim but not as we know it”