This is a series of stories told by leaders in the Doncaster area (City of). These stories have been curated by me (Kurt Ewald Lindley) as part of a collaboration between Doncaster Council, Doncaster Chamber of Commerce, and other Team Doncaster members, to showcase not just the best of Doncaster but to inform the development of Doncaster’s Economic Strategy and
“make it the best place to do business”
Today (9th August 2022) I met with Adrian Sullivan – Owner and Founder of Pass Logistics (part of Parcel Pass Transport Ltd) to talk all things business development, life journeys and the future.
I’m pleased to say the man came brimming with energy and advice that crosses beyond the logistics sector. I was greeted by a very smiley Adrian, my first question as we moved to one of the meeting rooms was simply – “how are things”? His response still smiling… “good, but hard at times”. I knew then this was going to be an authentic conversation.
The Journey – continually improvise
Adrian’s journey (for the purpose of this story) really begins at age 16 working for an electrical wholesaler in Doncaster. He recites this era fondly (I believe more for the lessons it taught him than for the day to day of the role), he shares – “I knew the area well, I new Doncaster well…..in my teens, 20’s and 30’s I had to ‘find’business in Doncaster”.
The word ‘FIND’ stood out in our conversation for the next few minutes. This was the mid 90’s where LinkedIn wasn’t a thing and business search engines beyond ask Geeves didn’t exist. At such an early stage in his career it’s clear this ‘finding business’ was building his craft in the art of conversation and sales. It helps that Adrian was passionate about Doncaster and had a strong desire to build his own business in the ‘city’.
Adrian began what is now ‘Pass Logistics’ a £4.6 million turnover business 5 years ago, with one van and £1500 in the bank. With some support from various ‘enterprise’ funds and his ability to continually improvise (as he refers to it), he has grown the business from brokering transport deals in his bedroom to managing a multi-site logistics firm. To get this going he said – “I reached out to everyone I knew, through work, football, social circles”.
When I asked what might have helped him get to this point, Adrian made reference to his time Coaching Football. Digging deeper it appears that his investment in others, i.e. the development of life and sports skills in the kids he coached was having a positive impact on his self-belief… “people had confidence in me, so I had confidence in me….I realised there was more to life than selling and I wanted my own business”. I love that something outside of business, gave Adrian something to help him be better in business.
Challenges in Business – its seasonal
Even in discussing challenges Adrian seemed upbeat and optimistic. Two such examples were shared..
“when Brexit took hold, import and export for us pretty much stopped, we had to identify different types of work”. Adrian’s view, “find work where others wouldn’t look”
“when Covid hit we had to adapt, we watched others change, learned from them and adapted quicker. We asked who needs transport and needs products now (the NHS). We considered the need for a low-risk strategy and looked to partner with large (safe) logistics companies”. They secured a deal transporting goods in service of the NHS.
Adrian explained that he sees these challenges as seasons, some longer than others. And as seasons change as does the demand for transport and warehousing. His job is to manage this, adapt and improvise.
Lessons for others – learning from experience
- “Hire people who know more than you and treat them well” – In a fast growing business there can be challenges with cashflow, customers, performance and policy, trust in your leadership team to make the calls that need to be made.
- “Don’t be greedy in the business” – if someone looks at your books and sees you’ve taken the profit what message does this send?
- “Don’t be afraid of the big decisions” – be open about what you see and about what you don’t (behaviours etc)
- “Do what you say you are going to do” – build a good reputation, help others where you can, do over and above where you can and “pay your subcontractors on time”.
- “Never stop learning” – in your self-development, be humble enough to know you can learn from others, be agile enough to adapt quicker
Advice to a younger you (and the ones who didn’t choose so well)
- Choose your friends and how you spend your time wisely
- Don’t be afraid to dream of what’s possible and be excited by it
The Legacy – its environmental
I asked Adrian, what’s your legacy in shaping a better economic future for Doncaster? His response:
“To be a logistics company that reduces its carbon footprint by helping people swich from road to rail (a better use of what we already have)”.
I guess that plays in nicely to the bid that Doncaster have made to be the Great British Railways Headquarters.
The Call to Action – its about hope
I asked Adrian “what’s your call to action for the business community
Adrian’s request – join me in providing greater opportunities to the deprived areas of Doncaster, give young people hope.
Your one ask of ‘Team Doncaster’
“Connect the big hitters of business with the smaller entities and where possible buy Doncaster”
In closing
To get here there is a sacrifice. Its clear this journey has a personal cost, one of investment of self. Adrian has worked hard to generate the success we read of here. It didn’t happen overnight. Its been 20-30 years in the making which has lead to a rapid 5 year growth for his business. Its taken the help and guidance of a few trusted others, its needed the support of a wider community and a great deal of personal faith. Its people like Adrian that are making Doncaster the best place to do business. And its from his story and the stories of others that ‘Team Doncaster’ hope to create a robust, prosperous Economic Strategy for our City.
Do you have a story or know of a Doncaster Leader with a story to share for #DNBusinessTalks, get in touch here