
2 mins read

To apply or not to apply

Do I make the mark

“Do I measure up”

Ever been presented with an opportunity, more specifically a job opportunity and found yourself asking the question “do I measure up”?

You look at the role and you think, YES, I like that.

Perhaps through a poetic lens you imagine your self doing the role, meeting people, learning about the organisation, making change (theres always change). You may even find yourself contemplating the routine of life in this new role. How will it work for me, what will travel and childcare look like. What are the ‘actual’ hours vs the ones stated on the application pack…


You look at the person specification, often with a more discerning self critical lens. Looking down the essential and desirable criteria in a check list fashion – pragmatic and clinical. In your head going ‘have, have, have (feeling good at first), kinda have, might have, DON’T have, DON’T have, DON’T have etc – finally getting to the bottom and seeing that there may be one to many ‘DON’T haves’. Now dejected you put the application pack away and push your poetic thoughts of your new drive to work to one side to reconnect with your current reality. You choose to be content and at peace with how things are (this was not for you).

Or you could….

Look back at the person specification and decide – for that role, given what you know of the work that needs to be done, which of the essential criteria are actually needed. And if you have these – go for it.

Present a counter view on what is required to be successful in the role. Don’t stop at simply believing because you have one two many crosses on the list that the opportunity is not for you.

Believe in yourself, believe in what you know and contemplate not just what you have done but what you can do, not simply what experience you have but what experience you may offer.

There is a little ‘reality check’ to this, in that I’m not expecting everyone is capable of jumping into any role, especially when moving into new sectors. But I do firmly believe the following can apply in many situations:


  1. What I don’t know I can learn
  2. What I don’t have I can find
  3. Where I need help/guidance I will ask…

In closing

The next time an opportunity catches your glance, look beyond whats on the list. Think of what you can do and offer. Present a view of the future you can create based on what you know and will grow to know..

  • Go learn new stuff
  • Go find new things
  • Gather your team around you and go!

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