Wellness and Paradox Thinking

Developing wellness, resilience and paradox thinking in leadership

The Client

David Richardson – Head Teacher

Sunnyfields Primary School

The Brief

Outcome 1: To develop wellness and resilience within staff members

Outcome 2: To explore paradox thinking within leadership

What was created

Following a discovery conversation with the client and the senior leadership it was clear they did not want your standard INSET session, but wanted something different, something with depth which could be personally driven and was interactive. In addition, given the challenge of Covid19 this was going to be a full day virtual event! What a full day online I hear you shriek. YES but one built for energy and not ‘transmit’. The day was broken into 45min interactions with 15min breaks – where people were invited to leave their PC’s and replenish/refresh (disengage to reengage).

The morning was built around 3 key questions…
  1. Do you know who you are?
  2. Do you like who you are?
  3. Can you be who you are?

Each question was accompanied by an activity which drew out peoples reflections in a safe and personally managed way.

The afternoon was build around debating the alternative perspective…

A provocation was posed e.g. ‘SAT’s serve no real purpose and should be scraped’.

Opposing teams were created and the debate began. People were deliberately asked to support the position they liked least. in developing their argument individuals were asked to consider if they were ‘truth seekers’ or engaging in a ‘dishonest argument’.

What participants said

“I’d just like to thank you personally for this morning, the workshop was very productive and interesting, to stop and take a look at myself as an individual isn’t something I find easy to do.” anonymous

Fancy learning more about this and similar projects just get in touch Contact

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Wellness and Paradox Thinking

Developing wellness, resilience and paradox thinking in leadership


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